Even more than “an idea for a monster,” this is a type of post I wouldn’t even consider making today. Perhaps it made more sense when Blogger was tightly integrated with G+?
Recovered: My Bookshelf
Mostly I’ve been too busy for gaming, but I thought surely I could get in on something so simple as the bookshelf meme.1 So I took the picture, but I haven’t actually got around to it until now. And you may notice that it’s rather sparse in terms of actual gaming-related material …
Shelves, Lowell MA, 2012
The bottom shelf is more interesting than the top. On the left:
- Carcosa by Geoffrey McKinney
- Vornheim by Zak S.2
- The God That Crawls by James Raggi
- The Decision Book by Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler
- John Hodgman’s Encyclopædia of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE:
- The Areas of My Expertise
- More Information than you Require
- That is All
And on the right, starting after the CD binder:
- Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges (I do not read Spanish yet, but someday I will learn3)
- The Total Library: Non-Fiction 1922-1986 by Jorge Luis Borges
- Don Juan in Hell by George Bernard Shaw
- Seven Nights by Jorge Luis Borges
- Wonder Tales by Lord Dunsany
- Welsh Place-Names and Their Meanings by Dewi Davies
- Historic Newfoundland by the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourist Development Office
- Some pamphlets
- Railsea by China Miéville
- The Ship of Ishtar by A. Merritt
Let’s hope I can get more gaming books on there next semester.
Ten years, two moves, and a marriage later, my shelves look somewhat different:
Shelves, Washington DC, 2023
I could spend hours cheerfully excavating all the strata of my shelves. See how the One Piece volumes on the upper right are stacked two deep! Notice the way two oversized volumes of Little Nemo can slip into the fault between the wall and the shelves! Why are there two copies of Dune? Look how efficiently the little boxes hold zines! (I actually would like new boxes that could fit two astride in one of the half-shelves … ) But for our purposes it’s probably easier to zoom in a little:
Shelves, Washington DC, 2023 (detail)
While the zines are hard to photograph, I think it’s safe to say that most of my games are digital these days.
The post was first shared on December 27, 2012. Except, of course, the 2023 update section.