Last year was the first time in a long time that I’ve set aside time to blog consistently and regularly.

A 6x5 grid of 28 photos of M&Ms arranged like bar charts and cropped square.All the M&M candies I ate in 2023. Grouped by "fun-size" package, sorted by color. Where there aren't very many, they're probably peanut or caramel.

The Numbers

2023 was a busy year for the blog. I moved to blot.im from the old blogger site. I published 78 posts total, 39 of which were revisiting my own earlier work. Of all the visitors, 4582 of them were tracked, and 20 left comments (2 more comments were my own).

The most popular posts were Tracking Through Spaces (327 tracked hits) and Deeper Catacombs (273 tracked hits). This makes sense because I promoted them the most places and also used the pages themselves as references in the games I ran with them. Coincidentally, they’re probably the posts I’m most pleased with.

The third most popular post was Ammunition (210 tracked hits). Probably because it blew up on Twitter and it’s short (RIP Twitter).

I consider myself a numbers guy,” so I’d initially intended to do a more exhaustive analysis. But it felt a little navel-gazey and not that exciting, so I dropped it. In lieu of data, have some key insights:”

The Bloggies

I’m flattered by the praise of others as well as their eyes! Three of my posts from 2023 were nominated for the Bloggies:

A rabbit leaning on its sword and holding a swirling icon in one hand, standing atop a block that says “Bloggies finalist 2023.”I smoothed out Zedeck's rabbit to see what it looks like as a scalable badge. But I'm not sure what to do with it now.

Voting in the Bloggies is ongoing, and I know that Zedeck is really going all-out in the organization of it. But to me, the real pleasure is having a list of posts to revisit or encounter for the first time. They’re every one of them winners to my mind.

That said, several of my nominations didn’t make the cut. I would also put forward this list of cool blog posts I saw in 2023:”


I’d say something optimistic, but who am I kidding? It’s gonna be a shit show like every other year. We’ll just keep playing games through it.

Two photos. On the left, a white cat with orange spots looks alert and slightly glowing in the light. On the right, a grey cat’s face peers out from under some covers.Sputnik and Liliana.

Overhead Data

January 16, 2024
