RuneScape Remixes

Sam W (a.k.a. @quajzen) has also been thinking about bringing RuneScape to the tabletop, specifically examining how whole quests might be imported. He consistently hones in on the most engaging and portable parts of these quest lines.

Floating items and figures laid in a loose grid over a mis-matched grid of screenshots and maps. Two differently-colored keys dominate the center of the image.A collage summary of the Waterfall quest.

Sam also has a new analysis of the Waterfall quest. He applies the idea of impression of depth,”1 to examine what makes such a simple quest so satisfying. I think the analysis is good, including some more general observations, and while he stresses that it makes the quest ideal for OSR style play, many of the takeaways are more broadly applicable.

  1. When he explains it, the impression of depth” sounds like a more general framework. A casual search mostly shows that it’s found in a single Wikipedia article about The Lord of the Rings, but I don’t think that impedes its utility. I can’t help but feel there must be some more rigid vocabulary that could help, but which I am unfamiliar with.↩︎

January 19, 2024
