See last year’s summary here.

2024 was busy! I traveled internationally to Iceland, Mexico, and Portugal. I played in campaigns of OSE, Fate, and weirder things. I finished projects and started more … and I got laid off, but really, it’ll be OK.

A 3x5 grid of 14 photos of M&Ms arranged like bar charts and cropped square. The last (lower-right) space is blank.All the M&M candies I ate in 2024. Grouped by "fun-size" package, sorted by color.

The Numbers

In 2024, I published 47 posts, 23 of which were recovered” from the old blog. Of all the visitors, 4653 were tracked (about the same as last year), and 11 left comments (4 more comments were my own).

The most popular post was Thermodynamics for Game Design, by far (551 tracked hits). I can’t say exactly why, except that I’m really proud of it and it’s weirdly personal, so I hope it’s because it’s good. It also came after a short pause in blogging and before a much longer one, so that could be related.

The next most popular posts were 10 Minutes and a Knife (245 tracked hits) and The Minideck (211 tracked hits), and then two of last year’s Bloggie nominees: Deeper Catacombs (209 tracked hits) and Models of High Level Play (156 tracked hits). In the middle of these was a recovered post, Two Flavors of Horror and Six Anomalous Media (212 tracked hits), which also came before a longer break in blogging, and had the good fortune to be scheduled for a Friday the 13th.

Some loose stats:


Only 3% of tracked traffic came from Twitter, down from 17% last year. Some of this is on me: I slowed posting and ultimately deleted my account. Bluesky is OK, but isn’t obviously seamlessly replacing it. Mastodon also exists, I may see about migrating my account to a more relevant instance.

Bluesky is a set of open protocols as much as it’s a centralized website though, and Mindstorm Ty has repurposed it for a comments section. Cusdis is OK, but it’s feature-poor and feels secondary. I may see about migration.

Other Projects

Apart from the most popular posts, I also finished a number of projects in 2024 that I was particularly pleased with:

I mentioned The Minideck already, but I also want to highlight an application of it by Eldritch Fields. It’s always a joy to see someone else take up a thing you’ve made.


This year, two of my posts (the most popular two) were nominated for the 2024 Bloggies:

Unsurprisingly, the bracket is absolutely packed with amazing posts. I’m finding new things and revisiting old ones. They’re all worth a look.

But, as with last year, several of my nominations didn’t make the cut.


In 2024 I played a lot of games. In 2025 I hope to get back to running them. I’ve also got a lot of old projects I might try to revisit. Perhaps I’ll blog slower.

A square image divided in two: each with a cat glaring at the camera.Liliana and Sputnik.

Overhead Data

January 4, 2025
