I’ve always been fascinated by variations on the fundamental tools of the game. Earlier this week I looked at a more recent mechanic in-depth, but early on, I really didn’t have a firm grasp of what made a mechanic interesting or useful. The sweet spot seems to be around 3d6 mod 10, where the curve is more-or-less inverted and symmetrical. But the smaller the modulus, the flatter the curve, so this may have limited application.

Recovered: Modular Dice

I’ve been using d50”s without noticing for some time. You can get huge, strange 50-sided dice I’m sure, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Instead, I roll d% and if the tens-place is greater than 5, I wrap around.” I’m sure this is something that’s not uncommon, and it saves re-rolling if the die is an even multiple.

I decided to investigate this further. For a uniform distribution it’s not that interesting, but starting from a normal distribution it’s a neat way to get two peaks. Figure 1 shows the effects of different moduli on the 3d6 distribution.

“A messy looking plot of probabilities, rolling 3d6 modulo various numbers.”Figure 1.

If you’d like to play with this in AnyDice, here’s the function I’ve written:

function: A:n mod B:n {
    if A > B {result: [(A - B) mod B]}
    result: A

This post was first shared on August 21, 2012.

March 3, 2023
