Apologies in advance to the disproportionate number of psychiatrists I play and have played RPGs with.

The Ship’s Computer

A good ship’s computer can elevate a sci-fi story. Holly, Hera, HAL 9000, and MOTHER all play in the spaces between free-willed and program-bound, crewmate and antagonist, being and place. Even ship’s computers without such human” interfaces can become recognizable characters, like the TARDIS or Deep Space 9’s Computer.”

“A student enrolled in the Air Training Command Undergraduate Navigator Course uses a T45 navigational simulator system during a class. The T45 uses high-speed computers to provide a realistic ground-based simulation of a wide variety of navigational situations.”Maintaining the ship's computer. (US DOD)

At the same time, realistically” translating one to a game is difficult, and questionably worthwhile. As a player option, the ship’s computer is lacking and as an NPC it seems most reasonable to play them normally.1

Taking a page from Breakdown, I thought I would examine the structure of a hypothetical AI in practical, comprehensible terms.2 This required surprisingly little extrapolation because I simply do not care if I am making incorrect predictions or misunderstanding the state-of-the-art. My goal here is only to discover interesting quirks and flaws in the system that could be expanded into opportunities for gaming.

That said, the structure here is not limited to (or even intended for) Breakdown. It’s probably still functional for non-ship AIs, in the vein of WOPR, Hex, or GLaDOS. But I wouldn’t use it for anything smaller or faster, like Data or a Tachikoma. The goal is not that this structure informs the role-playing of the AI directly.

A graph showing how the components are connected. Sensors feed into the “Id Core” and “SE Core,” which are both connected bi-directionally to the “Ego Core.” User Inputs go to the Ego Core, which goes into the outputs, along with “overrides.” The SE Core is part of a cluster, bi-directionally connected to the Logic Unit, the Data Banks, and the Ethics Drive.Architecture of the ship's computer

Sensor Array

Reference: A cell phone.

The sensor array includes, roughly, all the sensors in your cell phone (cameras, antennas, microphones, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers) and all the inputs to a standard BAS (temperature, pressure, occupancy, doors, inventory, levels, equipment status). These are all combined with the current outputs and pre-processed with an attention-optimizing filter.

Notes: The filter is susceptible to noise and has limited bandwidth. Rapidly-changing unpredictable values in one channel can easily drown out” another channel.

The Id Core

Reference: ChatGPT.

The Id Core is the ultimate achievement of black-box deep neural net design: a machine so complex that the output might be considered genuinely insightful.

Notes: This thing is basically chatGPT 2000. If you’ve played with chatGPT 4, you can guess what that means, but if you haven’t had the chance, I’ll elaborate: it’s confident, biased, creative, dumb, intuitive, suggestible, and often wrong.

The Super-Ego Core

Reference: Any video game with a stock you can’t do that” reply.

The Super-Ego or SE Core is a more traditional” AI, with the role of thinking critically and logically, although it’s generally pretty dumb.”

Notes: It freely delegates to three subsystems and organizes their responses.

Data Banks

Reference: Wikipedia.

The SE Core can query its extensive knowledge and use that in its decision making. Unfortunately, there is no way for it to tell things directly to the Id Core.

Notes: Updating the SE Core’s data banks is closer to buying a new encyclopedia than to editing Wikipedia. Well-maintained corporate ships might get annual updates, but it’s not uncommon for a freelancer’s computers to have data banks ten or twenty years out-of-date. (This is separate from what may be stored as data.” A ship could look-up correct information elsewhere, but the SE Core still would not be able to reason about it.)

Logic Unit

Reference: Wolfram Alpha (when it was good), a scientific calculator.

The Logic Unit handles analytic, numeric, and qualitative solutions to all manner of mathematical and engineering questions.

Notes: The Logic Unit will get distracted” by any simple paradoxes that may slip through the SE Core’s checks, and need to be manually reset.

Ethics Drive

Reference: The worst technically correct” type of person you know.

Ethics Drives are smaller networks trained on careful diets of philosophy 101 textbooks, compliance manuals, employee handbooks, and legal codes.

Notes: Ethics Drives are residually sensitive to corporate and regulatory logos. If it sees an NFPA placard, it will start to prioritize fire codes, but if it sees the EPA logo it may be more concerned about the possibility of unpermitted emissions.

The Ego Core

Reference: A person.

The Ego Core is where the magic happens, the necessary weasel3 of this architecture. In principle, the Ego Core mediates between the demands of the Id and SE Cores and translates them into useful output. To many people, this is the personality” of the ship, but of course it’s more complicated than that and it can’t do anything without this supporting infrastructure.

The Ego Core is also responsible for handling direct inputs, like user requests, mission objectives, and learned” information, which are only passed to the Id and SE Cores indirectly and periodically cached.

Notes: Here’s where you can put whatever you want! I might put fungus here, or a crystalline McGuffin, or quantum.”


Reference: Another cell phone.

The AI has outputs more-or less corresponding to its inputs in the Sensor Array. It can output audio, video, radio, and text. It can also make changes in navigation, HVAC, and security systems.

Notes: The computer may require human assistance to interact with arbitrary systems on-board the ship, such as aftermarket additions or laboratory computers. Even if it is physically connected and allowed security permissions, its output filters aren’t built to directly interface with other machines. So it could write a program, but could not push” it and run it by itself.


Reference: Equipment lockout/tagout procedures.

Despite its ease of use and sophistication, the override system operates at a very low level, intercepting and replacing invalid outputs.

Notes: It’s not a good idea to use overrides that contradict a current input, or the Id and SE Cores will become frustrated” and start trying to circumvent them. Eventually you’ll need to update the input caches of the two cores (an offline process).

Other systems & linkages

The operation outlined here is broadly correct, but can’t begin to cover all the other systems on a spaceship. Some of these might include:

  • crew file storage
  • arbitrary computing resources
  • laboratory computers
  • weapons systems
  • medical computers

And all of these have varying degrees of connection and integration with the Ship’s AI. I’ve detailed two of these pseudo-attached” systems below.


Reference: Computer logs.

The AI logs contain all of the data received and sent during the AIs decision-making process. For reasons of space, older data is reduced in detail and density.

Notes: The logs require a separate Historian AI to decompress and interpret (colloquially called a ship’s therapist”). These are not usually kept on-board.

The Hind

Reference: A PLC.

The hind runs all the low-level ship stuff without any direct input, even when the rest is offline. The AI seldom actuates things directly, much easier to change a setpoint in the Hind.

Notes: It’s tedious, but re-tuning all the loops on your ship will probably make noticeable, if minor, improvements throughout. Without these periodic (and frankly rare) efforts, the AI will simply compensate for increasingly drifting controls on-the-fly.

“The bridge of the R/V Atlantis houses a sophisticated collection of computer controlled navigation systems, station-keeping controls and communications capabilities. Even in heavy seas, the ship can hold its position within a margin of just a few meters.”Manual interfaces. (NAAMES Photo Essay)

  1. Normally” as opposed to with a gimmick,” like the duergar flowchart or an online simulation. I think this is especially the case if you plan to have the same ship’s computer appear multiple times.↩︎

  2. Breakdown is a weird and fascinating game that I hope to write more about in the future.↩︎

  3. Currently, TVTropes has merged this into the more universal Acceptable Breaks from Reality,” but this obscures the origin of the phrase. Roughly, the argument goes: somewhere, even the hardest of sci-fi has to do some hand-waving, or else it wouldn’t be sci-fi, it would just be possible. So as you dig down into the physics of a world or the mechanics of something, eventually you hit bedrock: the necessary weaseling that enables the whole thing.↩︎

April 10, 2023
