Shut up! I’m trying to think!
Magic takes concentration and calculation and awareness and flow and would you stop that? Shut up! I’m trying to think!
The Alchemist after Adriaen Matham, CC-BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
To use these rules you need a sudoku puzzle.
Start with one spell marked “known.” More spells are learned through study, luck, or bargaining. You can only cast spells you know.
Once you are firmly planted in the local topography, begin the sudoku. You can do nothing else in this time. Other players are encouraged to continue around you and not await your input during this process.
Each spell has a criterion. When it is met, that spell is ready to cast, and stays ready until you move. Criteria met by givens can’t be used.
If you find you have made an error, announce it. For each criterion that you appear to meet, cast that spell immediately, even if it is met by a given or a mistake, even if you do not know it. Any decisions are made at random or by another. You cannot continue.
If you move or lose your footing, stop. Remove or refresh the page. That constellation of energies may never be recreated.
Abilities last a useful span of time, never longer than a day.
- Deafen. Nearby creatures are deafened.
- Haste. Triple your movement speed.
- Upwell. A spring of seawater appears.
- Web. Your wrists shoot thick webbing.
- Multiarm. Temporarily gain an extra arm.
- Ooze Form. You become a living jelly.
- Elasticity. Your body can stretch up to 10′ (3m).
- Filch. A visible item teleports to your hands.
- Gate. A portal to a random plane opens.
- Hear Whispers. You can hear faint sounds clearly.
- Illuminate. A floating light moves as you command.
- Leap. Jump up to 10′ (3m) high, once.
- True Sight. You can see through all nearby illusions.
- Vision. Completely control what a creature sees.
- Adhere. Cover an object in extremely sticky slime.
- Fog Cloud. Dense fog spreads from you.
- Knock. A nearby mundane or magical lock unlocks loudly.
- Liquid Air. The air around you becomes swimmable.
- Shuffle. Two creatures you can see instantly switch places.
- Spider Climb. You can climb surfaces like a spider.
- Telekinesis. You may mentally move 1 item under 60lbs.
- X-Ray Vision. You can see through walls, dirt, clothing, etc.
- Detect Magic. You can see or hear nearby magical auras.
- Frenzy. A nearby creature erupts in a frenzy of violence.
- Magic Dampener. All nearby magical effects have their effectiveness halved.
- Pacify. A creature near you has an aversion to violence.
- Sculpt Elements. Inanimate material behaves like clay in your hands.
When you have used all (or at least) nine of a symbol.
- Shroud. A creature you touch is invisible until they move.
- Slick. Every surface in a 30′ (9m) radius becomes extremely slippery.
- Sniff. You can smell even the faintest traces of scents.
- Sort. Inanimate items sort themselves according to categories you set.
- Beast Form. You and your possessions transform into a mundane animal.
- Charm. A creature you can see treats you as a friend.
- Comprehend. You become fluent in all languages for a short while.
- Animate Object. An object obeys your commands as best it can.
- Read Mind. You can hear the surface thoughts of nearby creatures.
Attestation, Credits
These rules are MOSAIC Strict. Spell descriptions are taken from Cairn, used under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. These rules themselves are released under the same.