I think of this table as of a piece with the Pub Names and Patent Medicine tables, even though it’s much simpler. The setting is different, but I can’t help mentally linking it with my recent thoughts on crafting too. There’s something suggestive of purpose in many of the results.
Recovered: Fantastic Pulp Materials
Over the summer I’ve been reading some old Doc Savage books, where I’ve found references to duralumin and pliofilm. These were both materials I had never heard of before, which intrigued me. I assembled this table in case I ever run a pulp-style game and need to name some new wonder-material without having to submit to realism.
The table is short enough that I will reproduce it here in full:
Roll | 1st Half (d20) | 2nd Half (d20) |
1 | aero | cast |
2 | ballisti | cord |
3 | benzo | crete |
4 | carbo | dark |
5 | cellu | film |
6 | coro | gel |
7 | dura | glass |
8 | formi | lite |
9 | gem | lumin |
10 | hyper | nite |
11 | lumi | plast |
12 | malo | prene |
13 | neo | rox |
14 | para | seal |
15 | plio | sil |
16 | protecto | sol |
17 | quick | stol |
18 | solu | stone |
19 | star | tex |
20 | zero | tix |
A half-dozen samples:
- hypergel
- maloplast
- cellusol
- formicast
- lumisil
- lumilite
Rarely, you may get the trade-name of an actual product (it is cobbled together from those), as I have no mechanism to prevent that.
“You’ll never stop it! It’s made of solid…”
This post was first shared on August 8, 2012. The generator was first shared on August 16, 2020, and here re-built with the most recent version of Spwack’s generator generator.