The files for Bloodring remain as unencumbered as I can make them, but if you’re willing to download them from instead, it’ll make the number go up.

Recovered: Bloodring

A natural consequence of bad ideas. My entry in the Into the Odd PocketMod Jam (2019). CW: slavery, combat as sport.


  • Make gladiatorial combat interesting in a game where combat is best avoided.
  • Provide an opportunity for things to get worse.
  • Create something useful within the given constraints (time, form factor).


  • Amounts of money are rough. Pay should be enough to motivate free gladiators, but not so much that slaves are freed too quickly.
  • After first blood, combat is assumed to take turns.
  • Mutilations are meant to give combat consequences between death” and recovery”. They also convey the passage of time on days when PCs do not fight.
  • Making more gladiators is easy: For captive gladiators I used 3d6. For free gladiators I used 4d6 drop lowest. For simplicity everyone starts with 1d6 HP and no mutilations.
  • As a starting point for adventure it still feels lacking to me because it doesn’t provide many motivations of its own and takes away a lot of the PCs’ toys.
  • Combat should be survivable enough that characters don’t necessarily die, but unpleasant enough that PCs consider escape or revolt or other things preferable.
  • Consider gambits from Moonhop or extra HP from Electric Bastionland (under Scars”).


  • The booklet was written in LibreOffice with an A7 paper size. It’s apparently quite difficult to do N-up printing without a margin, so I ended up using Had I time, I would like to use PDFjam.
  • The PocketMod format really forces an economy of words. I found myself writing sentences that were barely intelligible in other contexts.
  • The cover image is Piranesi. The Wound Man is Ambroise Paré.
  • Printing on US letter paper, I found printing at 98% was the largest I could get before I lost things to the margins. This is why all my PocketMods are slightly off-kilter. The reasonable thing to do would be to print them all with outlines and then trim the paper to size, but that’s work. Or find a printer that goes to the edges.


This post was first shared on February 22, 2019.There is little evidence from the 2019 Into the Odd PocketMod Jam, but I remain grateful to Rattlemayne for organizing it. Only one other entry was ever shared outside the Discord server, and it’s very cool: The Pominomicon!

October 27, 2023
