Between scheduling this post and today, I compiled and released Palace Run Remastered for the Disc 3 TTRPG Jam. Take a free copy and check it out! There’s even a few tweaks that aren’t covered here. Also check out the jam, which goes for another two weeks or so!

Recovered: Other Palaces

Four sketched figures. The Song Keeper is an armored guard with a spear and a birdcage for a head. Chess Guards have checkerboard shields and pawns for heads. The Throne Monitor has a throne for head with a single eye. They hold aloft a flaming sword and a mace with an eye in the head, and are captioned “who or what sit on them??” The Silent Servants wear blank full-face masks surrounded by levitating cutlery and candles.Palace Guards by Evlyn Moreau, used with permission.

I entered the 200 word RPG challenge! I nitpick and revise constantly, so you can see the final version here, and past versions here. I wanted a widget to see my revisions side-by-side, so there’s also this:



  • In the swapper, I did not mark the changes when lists were re-ordered. Between versions 0.4 and 0.5, I made all the lists alphabetical, because I worry about limiting my imagination by consistently matching” e.g. “kitchen” and food”. I also think it’s more presentable. (In longer lists I do this to catch duplicates.)
  • Due to my personal refereeing style, CHECKs are very rare in practice, so I had a hard time deciding a good value for STAT. The expected damage of an attack that causes a CHECK is 4, occurring on 5 in 6 attacks. Therefore, if STAT=18, there is a 1 in 4 chance of failing a CHECK as a result of the first attack. At STAT=16 this is 1 in 3, and at STAT=12 this is 1 in 2.

The Future

I’ve been working on the set-up of a specific palace, The Palace Semi-Infinite”. I had some wonderful playtesters who were willing to just mess-up a a palace, but I think something with more direction might have better staying power. I’m keeping the palace generation parts, but I may end up scrapping the game system for Into the Odd or something.

That said, the system is a svelte 61 words in the official word-counter, so it may make a reasonable base for future entries. I’m eager to see what other people have cooked up when I have a chance to sift through them.

This post was first shared on October 27, 2019.

May 24, 2024
